Gun Ownership Among Black Women On The Rise | WBAP | 3/10/23

WBAP recently asked Emily Taylor to come on the air in Dallas, TX to discuss an 87% increase in new gun purchases amongst African American women. Emily Taylor, a gun expert and attorney with Walker Taylor Law, explains that traditionally, women were not seen as proponents of the Second Amendment right. The show hosts discuss ‘pink and shrink’ firearms, designed with a small pink frame to attract more females to firearms ownership but inform that now firearms manufacturers are catering more to women. Emily tells listeners that the gun industry is not only catering to more women in the products they offer but also in training and the groups that exist to support new gun owners.

Criminals are smart, say both Taylor and the hosts, and they know who they want their victims to be. Taylor argues that every law-abiding citizen has the right to defend themselves, and exercising that right can help to make us all safer. They discuss the importance of training and the consideration of the law when owning a firearm. A license to carry is an excellent step towards taking every safety and training step possible to protect oneself and loved ones, and it shows a willingness to learn the necessary tactical and physical skills, which can only serve to make our communities safer.

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Walker & Taylor, PLLC is a criminal defense firm who serve clients in Houston and Galveston, Texas. Our attorneys are experienced in defending against a range of accusations from Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) to Murder. We are well-versed in Texas firearms-related crimes, complex self-defense issues, and other weapons charges. Let us help you navigate the criminal justice system and ensure the protection of your Constitutional rights. If you are under investigation for criminal charges, contact us for a free case evaluation.

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